Monday, February 4, 2013

A good dog will make you laugh

It's a Dal Thing

I really don't like to compare one dog to another, like people, they are all a little different. And here's the "but"... Sometimes your dog will do something that is so like the dog you once had, you just have to laugh. I think it's great that Sparkle has so many of the "traits" that remind me of Kay'Lar. So to explain the picture, this is Sparkle chewing on her foot. Not just nibbling, but full on bring out the ketchup, chewing. It's not an allergy thing, Kay'Lar used to do the same thing, and around two years old she stopped doing it. Plus if Sparkle is sitting next to me on the couch, I can grab her foot and ask her, "what's this?" And she'll start chewing. Lucky though, unlike Kay'Lar, Sparkle is not a chewer of things she shouldn't. But they do have a few similar traits that make me laugh. They both will do a single bark when the doorbell rings on TV; compared to the multiple barks when it's really ours. And then there is the stealing of the catnip toys; it's catnip, not dognip. Then there's things that are all their own. Like Kay'Lar used to "toot" and scare herself. She would jump up and look around, funniest thing ever! And Sparkle likes to sleep in strange positions that make you laugh and ask, "Did I not assemble my dog properly?" They are many other things, but I don't have the time or the blog space. I just find it interesting that they have some of the same "odd" behaviors, when there is NOTHING in common when it comes to their pedigree... I just have to believe its a Dalmatian thing... Or maybe I can just pick out the "strange ones"; you know, so we get along.

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