Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Getting Comfortable 

Sparkle is a dog that knows how to get comfy. As you know for pervious posts, she will find the sunniest spot to lay in or curl up in front of the fire if its a cold day and if all else fails, there is the couch and my husband's chair. Sometimes she sprawls out, taking up more room then you think is possible for a dog her size. And other times its just the opposite, she is curled up in such a tight little ball that you question the reality of space and mass; where's Albert Einstein? Then there is this... Seriously, was my dog assembled incorrectly? Is she part owl? Is her head still attached to her body? Did she learn this from the cat? That doesn't look comfortable, but I guess she really wanted to see the TV show that was on. That's really the only reason I could come up with for her to even want to lay like this. 

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