Monday, January 14, 2013

Feel the love

Ok, so for those of you considering a Dalmatian , please do not base your decision on how my little girl acts. Speaking as someone that did rescue, I had over 78 rescues (Dalmatian and all breed deaf dog) wonderful dogs come into my home, I can tell you, this one, is one of a kind. I'm not saying that each dog doesn't have it's own personality, it's just within a breed you will have certain traits. Like your average Westie wouldn't be your first choice as a Dock Dog, that would be a lab. Just like if you were looking for a dog to help with your sheep, you'd look for a Boarder Collie, for example. Now, I have seen Westie's Dock Dive and "Mutts" be some of the best with "their" sheep. But their are some things that dogs were breed for and are tattooed into their DNA; stamped to the inside of their brain. Not all Dalmatians are good with cats, that comes with good socialization and sometime patience on the part of your (almost 18 year old) Siamese cat. (Thanks again to Anne of Oakwood Dalmatians, Sue of Paisley Dalmatians and their friend Patti and family for the great socialization). Ok, I know, this isn't really going where the picture looks like it should, I'm off my soap box and have come back to topic. I told you I'd do this... (Please refer to first post)
As you know from the video (apparently you are unable to see it from a mobile divice), Sparkle "Talks" like a Malamute, when she plays or wants attention she will use her paws like a boxer. My husband (who is 6'1") can pat his chest and she will jump into his arms like a Border Collie. See and you thought the paragraph above was pointless ramble....
 To explain the above picture.
Any given night after dinner and the family has slowed down, if I'm on the couch, you will find the cat in my lap. It's usually not until later in the evening that Sparkle will join me and the cat (known as Mama Kitty; I might go into that story later) on the couch. This is usually after she has played with the kids, chewed on her Kong toys (which I highly recommend), played tug-a-war with my hubby and gotten into a bit of mischief (because she is a puppy after all). The usual for her is to jump up on the couch and "demand" attention; "pet me, scratch my ears, rub my belly, get that spot that I can't reach so I can 'flee' your hand..." But yesterday it was mid day and more of, "Why is the cat on your lap? Why can't I be on your lap? Is there a way I can get any closer?" Mama Kitty was a little annoyed with her at first, but they soon each found their spot (hehe, play on words, yes I'm a dork) and all was good in their universe.... Or so they thought. Now Mama Kitty is almost 18, so she just rolls with the flow of things. But she also knows how I am during sports. (For those of you not into to football, it was playoffs this weekend.) We are a football household, both college and NFL. Oh and totally off subject; I would like to apologize to all the teams that lost, apparently my cheering for a team was the kiss of death. With Sparkle being new to our household and young she hasn't learned how to just "go with the flow". Putting it mildly I get into my games (Honey, please keep your comments to yourself), I will sometimes yell or scream 
at the TV; because we all know that if you yell loud enough the refs can hear you 
and/or your team will play better (I guess I wasn't yelling loud enough this weekend).  
Mama Kitty has learned to just ignore this little quirk of mine. I might have scared 
Sparkle a few times and she actually groaned and syed at me. "I'm sorry, am I 
disturbing your beauty sleep?" But I'm guessing her "want" of being close to me won 
out over being annoyed by my spots exuberance, because she stayed next to me and 
didn't move the whole game. Good Dog. The picture below is my view when this all 

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