Thursday, January 24, 2013


Dog nails... Ugggg! I battled Kay'Lar's nails her whole life. I never had a dog whose nails grew as fast as hers. And keep please keep in mind I've had over 70 rescues come into my home plus my three dogs (before Sparkle) in my adult life. Then there was Connor (my male Rottie) in eight years I think we did his back nails twice, front ones were only monthly and Cora was monthly too. You need to keep them "short" while showing and working. I really don't, to this day, understand why Connor's back nails where so awesome. He was an inside dog like the all my dogs; because I believe if you want an outside pet, you should plant a tree. He got his walks ever now and then, but the majority of his (and Cora's) exersize came when they where working on the Schutzhund field (which is turf for those of you that do not know). With Kay'Lar, she was a spoiled pet, no showing and the only "title" she had was her AKC Good Citizen (which I believe all dogs should have; sorry, preachy). So her exercise was walks and sometimes running in the backyard. And by now you are wondering what this has to do with Sparkle the "who" behind this blog. I told you at the beginning that I might go off on random things but would come back to the point, but this is all the point.... Dog nails... Doing Sparkle's today, like I do every Thurdays at 3pm, it got me thinking, of course about my other dogs and how unique they all are, right down to their nails. Yes I do Sparkle's nails once a week. This is for two reasons; so her nails stay short which in good for their feet, which makes it good for their gait, which helps in the show ring (and Sparkle may see the show ring, still TBD) and because she won't let me use a dremmel yet (my preferred nail trimming method) I need to clip them once a week. Using a dremmel insures that you don't cut the quick, so therefor you can get as close as you like. If she let me get me use a dremmel I would only have to do her nails every other week.... Hence the ugggg at the beginning.  All my dog trainer tricks have not worked yet to get her used to the dremmel... New methods forth coming. There are something's that chicken and/or raw beef can't fix... With Sparkle that's the "scream" of the dremmel.

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