Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Snug as a bug...

When it's as cold as it has been no one wants to go outside. And with a projected high of 6 degrees, with wind chills in the negative, the dog doesn't want to go out either. But, the 6 degrees is feeling like a little heat wave after we didn't get above freezing for three days. I truly can't even fathom what the first settlers were thinking when they got here. "Hey, it's negative 20 and theirs 5 ft of snow and insulation hasn't been invented yet... I know, let's stay here"... Sounds about right... Ok, enough griping about the weather, but just so you know, I'm allowed to do that; I didn't move here by my choice. (There's this whole being in love with my husband thing. Proof that love will make you deal with anything.) Today Sparkle couldn't take it anymore and she wanted to go out. The first time I opened the door a BIG gust of wind came through and she just backed up. I swear I heard her say, "Are you serious? I'm not going out in that. I can totally hold it." But she has been just itching to run. So after the third time, no wind gusts to scare her off, she ran out the back door. She hit all her favorite spots in the back yard, in less then five minutes; this usually takes 10-15. Then from the far end of the yard she sprinted to the door. Total time outside five, maybe six minutes. Usually a jaunt in the backyard will go at least 15 minutes. She ran into the house and did the "after-bathnpuppy sprint" (if you've ever owned a dog, you know what I mean). This same thing happened about four times today. Yes even the three tries to go outside. On the last outing when I let her in my youngest took off her coat. I'm guessing she thought Sparkle was cold because when I came down stairs this (the picture) is what I saw. My little one turned on the fire for her and then put a blanket on her. 

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