Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Past and the Future
I started this blog to write about the funny things that Miss Sparkle does. From "talking" like a Malamute to allowing the kids to pile their stuff animals on her; because according to them, she needs "loveies" to sleep with. Some of the stuff that Sparkle does is one of a kind, like the "talking" but then there are other things that remind me of Kay'Lar, my first Dalmatian. The pictures are of her. The puppy one is from an old puppy picture that I found; she is 10 weeks old in that picture and chewing on one of the cat's balls. The other is of Her at about four, strong and beautiful. I miss her. She too did funny things as a puppy, one thing that her and Sparkle share is a love for running. Kay'Lar would run for ever, when is was younger, and I didn't have a big back yard I taught her to do "laps" around the tree. Sparkle loves to head out into the back yard and just do laps for five minutes straight. We have 1/2 an acre so laps are a lot easier for Sparkle. Kay'Lar did get to enjoy this back yard, but she was 10 before we moved into our current house. So her laps consisted of one lap around the back yard. She was still spunky and would put the Rotties in their place if need be, but by then she had slowed down some... Now for a Dalmatian that means not acting like a six month old puppy. People will say that Dalmatians are hyper, this is not true. You need to know what they were bred for and respect that. They were bred to run MILES every day. So do they have a lot of energy, yes, but if you have a place to put it, daily long walks and or runs, sprints in the back yard, for example, it's not an issue. But as with any dog, if they get bored they will find something to do, and that is usually not a good thing for the people. Kay'Lar was my first Dalmatian giving to me as a gift (gifting a puppy is not a recommendation or a good idea) by a boyfriend at the time. A short time later I got rid of the boyfriend and kept the dog; best thing I ever did. She was with me for fifteen and a half years. My best friend through so much in my life; college graduation, career changes, bad and good dating, getting married, moving across country and having kids. I had such a great "run" with her I couldn't imagine not getting another.  Enter Sparkle. We weren't looking for a dog. We had just lost our last dog (Cora the Rottie) to liver failure four months earlier and had donated all of our dog stuff to a local rescue. But here was this beautiful Liver Dalmatian looking for a home... I didn't know the first time I saw her that she would be mine, and I would be her's; and I am her's. But it was meant to be, everything fell into place. I won't bore you with the details. But she was perfect for our family. So I got a great Dalmatian a little earlier then I thought. And it's funny how many people ask if she's a real Dalmatian or if her spots are going to turn black... I love to educate. If you need color clarification please visit the color page at
I know I said I would be talking about working a lap top with a cat and dog in your lap, but I sort of got nostalgic today... And a little all over the place, sorry.
And a shout out to my followers in the UK... Thanks for reading.

Nerd (or Geek, which ever you prefer) Alert: Kay'Lar comes from Star Trek: the Next Generation... Yes I'm a Star Trek fan... And yes I know Kay'Lar is misspelled, I went with phonetics; that's just easier on everyone; friends, family, vets and the dyslexic owner.

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